Tuesday, January 31, 2006


you know how i recently had a cold sore? remember how snooze told me to go to a clinic and get some acyclovir?

yeah. well. i'm an idiot and i didn't liten to her. i rode it out. finished the cold sore on my own.

and as a reward, on my 30th birthday i got 3, yes, 3, i got 3 cold sores.

not one.

not two.


three cold sores.

all i can say is bloody hell i'm in pain.

so, today i went to the walk in clinic and asked the doctor for acyclovir. he looked at me and said "oh, that's a pretty bad coldsore, you want something stronger than that". so he has prescribed valacyclovir. apparently the addition of 'val' makes for much stronger...

we'll see. the pharmacist said it might not make a difference because usually you start right away. i'll be sure to keep you updated on the horrible infections on my lips, because i know what you people need, i know how to keep you happy, i know you're lost without infection updates...

Monday, January 30, 2006

party party everywhere, and not a drop too, oh, wait, that doesn't work...

so, saturday john threw a birthday dinner party for me. it was great fun!

somehow i managed to not actually open a few of the presents until yesterday, so the fun got extended (btw, thanks di, thanks scotty).

but today is my 30th birthday, it's not on a weekend, it's during the week. you know what that means? it means that i get to spread my birthday out over two weekends!

so, saturday i'm having big birthday party (no dinner *grin*) and you're all invited!

it's saturday starting around 8:30 or 9:00.

lemme know if you want to come.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

um, ewww?

i can't decide if i think this is gross or not...

i'll admit that i'm a little intregued.

i wonder if i would have to close my eyes to get the sweet taste.

Friday, January 27, 2006

so little time

so much to write about, so little time.

i wish the blog posts i compose in my head as i'm falling asleep could somehow magically transpose themselves onto my blog without me having to work at remembering them, and find time to type them out.

what i want to write about today (but don't really have time for) is romance. romantic notions. the romantic nature of anticipation.

i was watching the wedding date this morning (it's okay, kind of pretty woman only with a guy prostitue not a woman, and of course, less sex between them because a woman would never hire a man for sex, no no no, and somehow in this version it's still the man who does the rescuing, so these aren't stories about escape from prostitution but rather stories of men rescuing women. but, it's better than pretty woman, not really much less offensive but somehow more fun, and there is an amazing scene which i'm about to refer to) and if you've seen it you'll know what i mean.

there is this scene where she asks him to show her what he does. he pushes her back into the car, he tells her to close her eyes, then tells her to relax, he's not going to kiss her. he then proceeds to whisper things to her while being millimeters away from body parts, he whispers to her mouth, her nose, her neck, her ear and so on. it was one of the sexiest things i have seen in a long long time.

i found myself longing for that. but i don't know what that is. i think it's the anticipation. the unknown of whether the kiss is going to come to fruition. and the, well, just the electricity of being that close but not doing anything.

and the not doing anything is key. i mean, i imagine it would be better if it lead to doing something, but the not doing anything is part of it. the tension of barely touching, but barely touching in strategic places, that can be one of the most erotic things in the world. i was going to go on, but i just realised i'm at work and, well, that's just not appropriate.

anyway, the things is, when john and i have sex it is wonderful, i mean, really really good. multiply good.

but it's different. it's not hightened like that. after 12 years i guess it's become a bit profunctory. so i guess i'm saying i want someone to push me against a car and whisper things to me (and kiss the back of my neck, i swoon for back of neck kissing)... any volunteers? *eyeroll*

Thursday, January 26, 2006


apparently my comment about it not really being winter yet caught the attention of the weather gods and they decided to exert their power and prove me wrong. so, today there is a wind chill of -20 degrees. so, um, yeah, sorry about that.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

winter has come... sort of.

with the coming of winter (sort of, it's been pretty warm compared to previous years) the house has been a bit colder and we have discovered why the previous tenant had the living room nearest the kitchen and the dining room nearest the front doors. it's because the fireplace is also near the kitchen, and that's what heats the house.

so a couple days ago we switched the furniture, living room at the kitchen end, dining room at the door end.

the problem is we haven't worked out all the details, and the art work is all in the wrong place now.

so, suddenly our house has been thrown back into an 'unhomey' state.

i must rectify that ASAP. like, maybe tonight. the house is a crazy mess and it's making me frantic. i would like it nice and calm and clean for the weekend. we'll see...

in other news, stay tuned, i suspect we're going to have a big 30th birthday bash for me on the night of saturday february 4th so clear your calendars.

Monday, January 23, 2006


i suppose it could be worse, but still...


Don't forget to vote!

If you live in Canada then today is your day. Today is voting day. Now's your chance to get out there and exercise your rights, to prove that Canada is a democracy, and all that other good stuff.

What do you need to do to vote? It's easy as pie. If you got a voter's registration card then just follow the instructions on that. If you didn't then go to www.elections.ca (if you're looking for english language it's here) and put in your postal code. That will show you where to vote and will even give you some info about your local candidates. Then you just need to show up to vote with things that have your address on them and photo ID. So, for instance, if your driver's license (if you have one) has your current address on it then you're set, that's all you need!

Now all you need to do is get yourself to that polling station and cast your ballot before the polls close (9:30 in Ontario).

And remember, it is law that you have two consecutive hours off of work to vote, so if you're scheduled to work from 11am to 9pm you can either go into work for 11:30 (this is all with permission of course, it's just that they are obliged to give you permission) or you can leave at 7:30pm. Just something to remember to help you get out to vote.

Now, enough of reading this, get out and cast your ballot!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

luke kirby on a whim

so, on a whim i decided i wanted to send luke kirby an email and congratulate him on his success.

i went to high school with luke in guelph. tonight i decided that i wanted to contact luke and say congratulations and tell him that i really was happy for him (and i really am). so, i started looking on google for contact information. here's the kicker, he doesn't have a website. i have to say, if i were famous, i'd have a website. it would have my agent's contact information on it, and it might even have an email address to reach me at. obviously not my regular email address, but one made specially for mail from this website so that if people wanted to they could get in contact with me. i couldn't have www.meganmooney.com because that's already taken by a stand-up comic (who seems to kind of move like me and make similar jokes to me, i have theories that actually it's just me in a strange hypnotic state that changes my appearance...), but i'd have something.

i want luke to become the next hollywood super-star. i want him to have all the success in the world. i want him to become super rediculously famous and rich because dammit, i may not be willing to try and make it in theatre, but i can sure as hell support those who do, especially those who i went to school with.

and for an oh-so-brief moment i had decided i was going to make a website for him and promote him and do what i could to contribute to him being 'the next big thing'. then i realised that would take a lot of energy and i don't even know how to contact the guy. so, never mind.

but if anyone who reads this knows luke send him my regards and my congratulations. and hell, maybe send me his email address so i can send those on myself...

Friday, January 20, 2006

three things people don't know about me...

yep. i've been tagged. you can thank the sister for this one.

for the record, i live my life a bit like an open book, so this is a difficult one for me...

1. i am not nearly as confident as i seem. sometimes this comes out when i've been drinking.

2. ummmmmmmmmmmm..........

3. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh........

** i will try an update this as i think of things that people may not know about me.

wanna help me?

okay, so soon i will have a finished resume.

i would like it to be seen by a few pairs of eyes.

if you have any interest in proof-reading it for me then let me know in the comments section here and i'll pop it over to you for review.

the catch is that it likely won't be ready until 3:30ish, and I need to submit it by 5pm.

if you can then let me know. if you can't then no worries.

so far...

so, i did actually do some work on the resume stuff. sort of. i am just updating my exisiting resume but i ignored it, didn't look at it, instead i looked at the job qualifications and tried to brainstorm what i've done under each thing to demonstrate that particular trait. i'm mostly done that, and for some reason i feel compeled to share it with you. actually, i know why, but it seems kind of lame since most of my readers have never met me in person, or have met me once at the most. but i'll come clean. i'm telling you because there are some places where i'm stuck. for instance, i don't know what kind of activity might demonstrate "excellent judgement" or "conseptual thinking", so, i'm looking for suggestions.

the italics are the pieces i pulled from the job ad. the bright red ones are the ones i have no idea what kinds of activities would demonstrate them. (oh, and the little astrixes are to take the place of identifying information. i don't seem to have a problem putting up personal information on here, but i don't feel comfortable putting up work information...)

Description: The Ministry of Children and Youth Services’ research and outcome measurement branch has an opportunity for a professional with demonstrated applied research and program evaluation skills. You will: lead supervision, execution of in-house/tendered research, evaluation projects intended to assess the effectiveness, efficacy, sustainability of ministry programming; provide empirical evidence in support of program/policy planning, decision making.

knowledge of ministry’s children/youth services programs, policies, related legislation,

government/ministry decision-making, approval processes,
- issues coordination
- policy coordination

policy process/development tools, techniques,
- worked on cabinet submission
- reviewed cabinet submissions
- reviewed positioning decks
- worked on cabinet submission
- consulted on RbP notes

research methodology,
- researched other jurisdictional information (i.e. performance measurement in Oregon)
- researched current trends in emergency management and terrorist threats with a specific focus on agricultural terrorism
- developed and performed needs assessment to inform the development of SRT manual
- researched methods and techniques of effective survey development
- internet research
- market research
- trend analysis

program evaluation techniques;
- provided advice on the development of the RFR for a program evaluation of the ***** program at **** – participated in the RFR scoring to decide on a successful candidate – reviewed reports and provided feedback – liaised with the consultants
- spotlight on *** unit – internal and extrenal consultation/feedback (also, wrote the report)
- provided input on initial evaluation terms of references for the *** project

advanced knowledge of software such as SPSS;
- address in letter – talk about ability to learn quickly, understanding the functions of it, but not having had a lot of opportunity to use it in the past. Have done previous data mining and statistical analysis using tools such as excel and access.

demonstrated leadership skills to lead/coordinate project teams, work
- led the *** logistical team
- website rfp development
- charity campaigns
- work planning initiatives (****, ****)
- from private sector various projects (including direct reports and hiring)

excellent judgment,

- took the initiative to develop a manual – saw a need and fulfilled it.
- Sought the opportunity to explain the role of our unit to a broad range of people by seeking out opportunities to attend meetings held in the field to gain access to a wide variety of staff.

conceptual thinking,

- analysis of results from cross-regional client satisfaction post-event surveys
- analyzing data provide by groups to develop preliminary of logic models
- agri-terrorism

problem-solving skills to
- *** briefing note (negation)
- *** manual

develop/assess impacts of policies/programs;
- Agri-terrorism – assessing impact of current policy and presenting policy options / recommendations
- Provided input and support on the development of a cab sub and mb20

strong communication,
- briefing notes
- minister’s letters
- manual
- communications plans
- make presentations
- facilitation section of presentation course
- facilitated various logic model/performance measurement sessions
- various reports

relationship building,
- provide strategic advice and expertise to internal clients on subjects such as program evaluation, logic model development and performance measurement planning
- liase between parties
- draw on the expertise of others from both inside the ministry and from central agencies
- maintain relationships with central agency contacts


- Facilitation of performance measurement development sessions with staff in Community and Social Services for both Results-based Planning and for general performance measurement planning
- Facilitation of planning sessions which included logic model development, performance measurement development

computer skills.
- Highly computer literate with a range of existing knowledge, and an ability to learn new programs easily

Thursday, January 19, 2006

why goddamit?!?!? why?!?

why is it sometimes so hard to just sit down and do the things you need to do?

i have to re-do a resume and cover letter for a job i'm applying for.

i have known this since friday january 6th. it's due tomorrow (friday january 20th, how the hell did that happen already?!?). i have done nothing on it. not one single solitary thing.

normally i wouldn't be re-doing my resume for a specific job, but i really want this one. it's permanent, in the field i love, still working in social services, a promotion in terms of level, and almost $10K more a year than i'm making now. and yet, i still have done NOTHING about preparing to apply.

what the hell is the deal with that?!?!?!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

because we all know what a whore for fashion i am...

not only is keely shaye smith married to one of the sexiest people on the planet (pierce brosnan for those keeping score...), she also has a dress that i covet to no end. seriously. i'm obsessed with this dress. i'm telling you people, that dress would look bloody amazing on me. and i'm sure it's well within my budget. oh. wait. i'm being frugal. and what is probably a several thousand dollar dress probably wouldn't fit into being frugal, and normally i winge at dresses over $100 anyway, hell, even ones as expensive as $100. hmmm. perhaps this is why i do not own a dress that i love nearly as much as i love this random dress i saw in a picture...

civic duty

okay. i have a confession. this year, i know woefully little about the folks in my current riding.

i know that the liberal is bill graham, i know that only because whenever i see a sign i think 'geeze i'm glad i'm not a polititian with that name". i hasten to point out here that i don't for a second think that bill graham and billy graham have anything in common (past their names), i just think it would be an unfortunately name to have when running for a seat in the house.

i don't know the ndp person's name (which is particularily bad, since i'll likely be voting for him) but i do know that i will recognize it on the ballot since my neighbour has an ndp sign up.

i haven't a clue who my conservative candidate is, i can only hope it isn't someone i vote for by accident.

it really is embarassing.

okay, some quick internet research has showed me that i am in the riding of "toronto centre" which happens to be riding 200.

cbc has a listing of all the ridings and their candidates, i should have known they'd come to my rescue.

but that doesn't change the fact that i am completely unengaged in this election, even though it terrifies me (all this talk of a conservative majority is making me consider moving to antarctica) and i am passionate about the outcome. part of it is the whole 'new city' thing. and part of it, honestly, is the 'big city' thing. i am so out of touch with my community here. i need to do something about that. one of the things about toronto is that i can feel completely anonymous, which is nice sometimes, but can lead to a bit of apathy at other times.

so today i think i'll spend some time examining what the issues are in my riding and who is saying what about what they'll do. i don't imagine it will change how i will vote, i will still vote ndp i imagine, but at least i'll feel like a bit less of a knob.

by the way, my ndp candidate is michael shapcott, now, if only i can manage to remember the name.

Monday, January 16, 2006

my personal hell

i am in hell.

i have a cold sore crawling from my upper lip, all the way up into my nose.

it hurts. a lot.

and i have to say, IT'S ALL MY FAULT! i felt it coming on, but instead of going immediately to ice it, i answered the phone. then i stayed on the phone for a goodly amount of time, ALL THE WHILE KNOWING A COLD SORE WAS GROWING ON MY LIP.

the thing about cold sores is that if you can ice them when they just start that weird tingly feeling, i mean ASAP, within a minute and a half, then they either stop coming all together, or they come out significantly smaller. i have a theory about this based on absolutely nothing at all. my theory is that the cold slows the spread of the virus (is it a virus?) in a kind of physical cold things move slower kind of way, and this gives your body more time to react and fight off the virus, build anti-bodies or whatever it is that it has to do.

the challenge though is that cold sores are quick buggers, so even waiting 5 minutes makes a different, waiting half an hour or an hour or more, well, you may as well be inviting the thing to stay, making it a lovely dinner, providing it with the best linens you have to offer, making it the most comfortable house guest in history.

and so, with answering the phone i provided said invitation. and now, not only is it crawling up my nose, but it is also (oh happy day) speading poison through my right side, my right gland, the right side of the roof of my mouth is all swollen and raw, and it all hurts so much i want to cry. basically, yeah, hell.


i'm an idiot who doesn't heed the loud screaming of my body, what can i say.

happy monday everyone.

Friday, January 13, 2006

you're invited to an impromptu friday night gathering

i like impromptu gatherings.

anyway, this is a last minute invite to join us for some BYOB drinks at our place this evening.

something low-key, likely from 6:30 or 7 until 9:30ish, perfect timing to do something nice before you go out for your*actual* friday night activities.

email me if you want to come and need directions/address.

a site you must visit

i have a friend who has a new site. it is one of the funniest things i've read in a long time. you should go visit it.


basically it's stuff her boyfriend has said (i know, you couldn't figure that out from the title, it's so obscure...)

one (of many) i loved: speaking on:
Coors Light.
"If you gave me a car made of diamonds and blowjobs all day I still wouldn't drink that beer."

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

my health

i figure you guys might want to know what's with all my weirdness of late (or you might not care, but you know, whatever...). well, a lot of it has to do with trying assimilate the recent discoveries of a couple of health issues. neither of them are particularily big deals i don't think, but i've never really ever had health issues before, so this is a new, and not pariticualrily welcome, experience for me.

First we have the 5 cm in diameter dermoid cyst (i found out i don't actually have to call it a tumor, that was a nice discovery) in my right ovary.

from a website called medicinenet:

Definition of Dermoid cyst of the ovary Dermoid cyst of the ovary: A bizarre tumor, usually benign, in the ovary that typically contains a diversity of tissues including hair, teeth, bone, thyroid, etc.

A dermoid cyst develops from a totipotential germ cell (a primary oocyte) that is retained within the egg sac (ovary). Being totipotential, that cell can give rise to all orders of cells necessary to form mature tissues and often recognizable structures such as hair, bone and sebaceous (oily) material, neural tissue and teeth.

Dermoid cysts may occur at any age but the prime age of detection is in the childbearing years. The average age is 30. Up to 15% of women with ovarian teratomas have them in both ovaries. Dermoid cysts can range in size from a centimeter (less than a half inch) up to 45 cm (about 17 inches) in diameter.

These cysts can cause the ovary to twist (torsion) and imperil its blood supply. The larger the dermoid cyst, the greater the risk of rupture with spillage of the greasy contents which can create problems with adhesions, pain etc. Although the large majority (about 98%) of these tumors are benign, the remaining fraction (about 2%) becomes cancerous (malignant).

Removal of the dermoid cyst is usually the treatment of choice. This can be done by laparotomy (open surgery) or laparoscopy (with a scope). Torsion (twisting) of the ovary by the cyst is an emergency and calls for urgent surgery.

and then we have the poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). we'll go to a different site for that, we'll go to a US government women's heath site:

PCOS is a health problem that can affect a woman’s menstrual cycle, fertility, hormones, insulin production, heart, blood vessels, and appearance.
These are some of the symptoms of PCOS:
- infrequent menstrual periods, no menstrual periods, and/or irregular bleeding infertility or inability to get pregnant because of not ovulating
- increased growth of hair on the face, chest, stomach, back, thumbs, or toes
- acne, oily skin, or dandruff pelvic pain
- weight gain or obesity, usually carrying extra weight around the waist
- type 2 diabetes
- high cholesterol
- high blood pressure
- male-pattern baldness or thinning hair
- patches of thickened and dark brown or black skin on the neck, arms, breasts, or thighs
- skin tags, or tiny excess flaps of skin in the armpits or neck area
- sleep apnea―excessive snoring and breathing stops at times while asleep
Women with PCOS can be at an increased risk for developing several other conditions. Irregular menstrual periods and the absence of ovulation cause women to produce the hormone estrogen, but not the hormone progesterone. Without
progesterone, which causes the endometrium to shed each month as a menstrual period, the endometrium becomes thick, which can cause heavy bleeding or irregular bleeding. Eventually, this can lead to endometrial hyperplasia or cancer. [mainja: most of what i read says increased risk of uterus and breast cancer] Women with PCOS are also at higher risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

so, neither of them are *that* big a deal. but they're still throwing me for a loop. and i don't like it. bleh. blech. yuck. yucko. yucky.

oh, and i guess i lied, since i do have chronic depression and i'm hypo-thyroid, which i guess are both health issues. go figure. funny, hadn't thought of that. hmmm, more to assimilate.





Monday, January 09, 2006

birthday ideas

so, as you all (well, all who regularily read this blog) know, i am turning 30 this year (in 21 days in fact).

i want to do something big and fun for my 30th. i want a celebration.

i don't want to have to plan it.

so, what i'm asking for from you is some ideas of stuff to do. these ideas will then be taken to the planning department (john) where they will be sorted through and a direction will be decided.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

yay for new shiny things

we bought a new car!

well, no, we're leasing a new car, but you know, close enough.

we got the Rio5 EX Convenience.

it will be either blue or orange, whichever they get their hands on first.

who knows when we pick it up, they're going to let us know. but still, yippeee for us! remote keyless entry, air conditioning, heated front seats, multi-adjustable seats (which is good when one person is 5' tall and the other is 6' tall, i can pump it up so i can see over the dash without a pillow - note: only very slight hyperbole has been employed here...), it's all just so damned exciting!

it of course means that the months of lean living will have to be more than two, but oh well, we were about to have to sink over $2K into our 10+yr old car, so, you know, lesser of two evils. plus, it's a NEW car, i've never had a NEW car before. yippeeeee!

resolution kept

finally! today i remembered my lunch. *phew*

also, i remembered to bring my canned goods so that next time i forget my lunch some soup or some baked beans will be close at hand. i look a bit like i'm hoarding for some strange protest that locks us in our offices for weeks on end. my desk drawer has soups, baked beans, several types of crackers, one container of chocolate pudding, some fruit leather and microwave popcorn. in another drawer you will find high alicin garlic pills, multi-vitamines and some b complex with extra vitamin c. down the hall there is a water cooler with loads of extra bottles of water. i'm ready and set, lock me in, see if i care!

of course, there is no impending lock-in, i just feel that my office should be a literal reflection of my kitchen is all...

my other resolutions?

  • snooze and i have a scrabble date sometime in february.
  • i was making plans for friday night then remembered that we're in a frugal time, so i am amending said plans to involve being at home
  • although live music doesn't *have* to wait until post-frugal if it's less than $5 cover (my own arbitrary rules) i am going to see how long i last
  • i will be volunteering at theatre passe muraille sometime next week, and possibly the week after as well
  • as for free city events, i need to give this more though, my gut says it will be warmer weather, but then, there are always free lectures to go to, and i think the rom and the ago both have nights where stuff is free, so i'll have to look into it - suggestions for free toronto activities would be appreciated.
  • sex-toy shopping will have to wait until post-frugal, and it's only on the 'considering' list anyway...

there's your run down as of day 5. ta da!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

yay for finslippy

i have no doubt in the past mentioned how much i love finslippy. today i read a post with a paragraph that demonstrates why. the paragraph is about how she wants to write but has no time:
Today I made the mistake of reading an interview between Paul Auster and Jonathan Lethem, and they were talking about the five or six hours each day they devote to their writing, how satisfying it was to have SO MUCH time to write! Devoting those hours to their Art infuses the rest of the day with a “kind of grace,” they agreed. And I thought, if I see you fuckers on the street—and there’s a good chance I will; they’re both around here somewhere, I’ve seen them before—I am going to kick you in the shins. Six hours! Hey, Jonathan: once we were at the same party and you were dancing and you danced like a moron and I laughed. And then you went home and wrote a masterpiece. Wait, that didn't make me feel better. Asshole.
god i love that woman.

pure excitment

oh my god! i had the best night. you know why? do ya? huh? huh? do ya?!?

'cause, i had a bath. an honest to goodness soak in the tub.

and, not only was it a bath, it was a bath with lush goodies as found in my stocking this fine christmas morn.

i know this seems like an exceptionally lame thing to be excited about, but, well, i've been so insanely busy the last, oh, i don't know, decade, that i haven't had time to just take a night off. totally off. a bath people! a bath!

it was divine.

tonight john went to the first installment of the birthday present i got him, guitar lessons, 8 one hour lessons, every wednesday night. he was excited and scared, so i'll get the full report shortly. also, someone else who i read got their partner guitar lessons, i'm not sure who, i want to say maybe sister? anyway, when i read it i wanted to reply "hey! i'm doing that too! we must share a brain!" then i though, geeze, if john somehow read that, since whoever it was is linked off my blog, it would ruin the surprise, so, i never did. but to you mysterious guitar lesson giver, to you i give a high five for excellent shared ideas.

and, no doubt, you are all waiting in anticipation to hear about the interview (or not, but whatever, my blog, my fingers, and these fingers were made for typin', and that's just what they'll do, one of these days these fingers are gonna type all over you - wait, that makes no sense, okay, well, carrying on...) but at this point i don't have too much to say about it. it's always hard to say with interviews how they went. i really liked the manager, so that's good. there is no incumbent, so that's good. i couldn't stop talking, that's possibly not so good. i missed talking about a huge key thing, (ontario-centric comment coming up) it was the ministry of training, colleges and universities and somehow i forgot to mention the implimentation of the rae review as one of the key issues of the ministry *smacks forehead*. so, on balance, well, i have no opinion on balance. but i should know by end of next week, which will be nice.

who knows, maybe for my 30th birthday (coming up soon, geeze, 26 more days...) i'll get a permanent job, wouldn't that be nice!

broken, but not beaten

while reading the resolution comments i realised that i once again forgot to bring my lunch to work. bloody hell!

i have an excuse though. i'm a bit preoccupied.

i have an interview today at 1:15 and i'm nervous as hell about it. not for any particular reason, just because i get nervous at interviews.

so, if you think of it, send some positive vibes my way between 1:15 and 2pm today, i'll be in toronto, at bay and wellesley, you know, just in case you want the vibes to be directional...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year's what?

I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions. There is something about making New Year's Resolutions that feels like they might be destined to fail.

But it does seem as good a time as any to step back, take stock, re-examine your life and how you are living it and see if there are any changes you want to make. Which, I guess, is what New Year's resolutions (geeze, why am I all of a sudden using capitalization on my blog? I never do that...) are, so, in the spirit of that, and with full knowledge that if I don't do it I will not fall into self-punishing self-loathing behaviour...

Here are my New Year's Resolutions so far (if you're a regular reader you know them already, but i'm listing them out just for fun):
- see more live music (the $5 cover for a night of fun kind of thing)
- usher at local theatres in order to catch some free live theatre
- play scrabble in a coffee shop (specifically with snooze, but also with others)
- live frugally for january, february, and likely march, in order to pay off our debts (we will be leasing a car this week, which is why the addition of the extra month.)
- explore free things in the city (festivals, events, parks, cemetaries etc)

Some other things I'm considering are:
- develop a chore list and schedule
- institute a 'date night' where one night a week john and i spend time just the two of us, doing somthing fun together.
- get a permanent job
- go on a shopping spree at good for her and/or come as you are

Did anyone else make any resoultions/do some self-examination?

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