still sick
so, you know, don't expect any brillance from me for the next little while. Or, you know, anything at all...
musings by mainja. welcome to my brain. it's a bit maze like in here, and be careful you don't get zapped by any synapses, but mostly it's warm and squishy and welcoming..
so, you know, don't expect any brillance from me for the next little while. Or, you know, anything at all...
I'm sick as a dog, so, you know, I won't be posting today.
As some of you may have noticed I’m a terrible speller. I couldn't spell my way out of a paper bag! Wait, no, that makes no sense, well, nonetheless, I can't spell...
When I don’t have ready access to spell check and I think there is a really good chance I’m spelling something wrong I often just open up a word document and type the word there and see if it gets one of those little red squiggly lines.
I have a tendancy to leave the document open so that I can just keep using it. This has been the case over the last evening and morning as I’ve been writing to people and commenting on places on the web and so on.
I was just about to close the document when for whatever reason I looked at what the collection of words ended up being, and it made for a fascinating collection to me, made me wonder what I’d been writing about, reminded me of some weird poem, and just generally seemed kind of cool. So, here are the words:
Stream of consciousness
If you're curious, the ones I spelled wrong on my first try were intrigued and consciousness.
Okay folks, I promised I'd post a link when it was up.
I’m feeling very fragile this week. And, as my cumulative sleep over the week diminishes the more fragile I feel. It sucks. I hate feeling fragile.
So, my mum sent me to a link that had the first 100 pages of a comic book of a woman and her experiences with breast cancer. It's a true story, it's an actual woman and it's her actual experience. She is a cartoonist (Marisa Acocella Marchetto) and she decided to document her journey.
So, it would appear that sometimes kids can get away with doing things that would get an adult decked, because when they do it, it's cute.
So, in the new (old) country house we sometimes face challenges. Like, for instance, the fan suddenly not working on the furnace, leading the furnace to over-heat and turn itself off. This is of particular concern when it happens when it’s minus 8 billion degrees (Celsius, so that’s even colder!) and we happen to be in Toronto, meaning we have no way of knowing the furnace has spontaneously stopped working.
We arrived on Saturday morning to a huge ice cube in the toilet bowl and tank, and of course, no running water of any kind since all the pipes (feed and waste) were frozen solid.
Luckily some of our bottled water managed to make it through without being big blocks of ice (our big container of water, yeah, that was a big solid ice cube…), so I was still able to make us coffee (hell, I have my priorities!) while we waited for the pipes to thaw.
The challenge is that there were no clean coffee mugs (there are very limited coffee mugs to begin with and we didn’t manage to do dishes before we left last weekend because the sink was full of fallen mica - don’t ask - and we were tired and wanted to come back to the city…), and there was limited bottled water, I didn’t want to waste it on cleaning a mug.
So, this is where my pioneer life skills came in handy…
Once I got the coffee ground in the electric grinder, and going in the automatic electric coffee maker (so far very pioneer, yes?) I opened the back door the small crack that the huge mountains of snow would allow me to, and proceeded to wash out my coffee cup with the new fallen snow.
All I could think was ‘oooh, mum would be so proud of my ingenuity!” Of course, really what I’m sure is going through mum’s head as she reads this is “She left the dishes dirty for the whole week they were gone?!?!?”
So, you see, other than the electricity, the television, the cd player, the laptop, the hot plate, the mini convection oven, the bar fridge, the car, the grocery store, and a few other minor details, I’m *just* like a pioneer when I’m out in the country!
P.S. Yes, pipes burst. Of course pipes burst. I wouldn’t have faith in the universe if pipes hadn’t burst. Luckily only hot water pipes, so eventually we had running water, it may have been frigid, but at least we could flush the toilet…
Last night I had a vivid dream in which I woke up (in the dream, in real life I was asleep, dreaming I was awake, it’s a bit circular…) and thought to myself “boy, am I ever glad I decided to book today as a vacation day” I then thought about how lovely my day was going to be; lounging in bed until nice an late, sitting in a café sipping cappuccinos reading a good book, maybe going to a matinee…
Yesterday I got some really terrible ‘Mongolian Grill’ thing from the caf for lunch. But, terrible though it was, it was worth it, because it came with a fortune cookie.
I may have mentioned that I’m going to be one of the folks covering Theatre for blogTO recently. ;)
mainja looks at john and sings: "don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?"
This post involves my sex toys, so my mother may wish to click on a different blog at this point. Or not. Whatever, I don’t actually mind either way.
That was fair warning, right?
So now, here is my tale (not a tale of tail, I promise…)
John and I were at the new house this weekend (yay, new house!), our cleaning guy came in while we were gone (yay, cleaning guy!). It was lovely to come home to a nice clean house.
I wandered upstairs and he had left me a little note saying that he’s put my lotions (I have eczema and stupidly dry skin all over, so I have a cornucopia of lotions in my room) in the cupboard they were sitting on top of. I have them on top for easy access, but oh well, no harm no foul. It was worth a try. Although I did note that for him to put the lotions in the cupboard he had to pull all my erotica books out of said cupboard and pile them where the lotions were (personally I’m not sure why this would look better, books are tidier than lots of little bottles?), which was kind of amusing.
So, I switched it back and in doing so had something I wanted to put in the drawer of my bedside table (do we see where this is going?). I opened the drawer and squealed with surprise and immediately started giggling a lot.
My cleaning guy organized my sex toy drawer.
It’s not just sex toys in there, it’s also face cream, lip balm, that kind of thing. It’s kind of random crap drawer.
Now the random crap drawer is organized. The sex toys are all in one corner (conveniently the corner closest to my bed for easy access), the skin products in another corner, condoms in another and so on. I must say that it is laid out (har! har! har!) in a way that speaks optimistically of my sex life where reaching for lube and sex toys would happen more frequently than reaching for face cream and chap stick. It’s not. I put on chapstick *twice* a night…
Anyway, I can imagine that some people would be horrified but I’m not upset by this. I find it hilarious. I also suspect that if our cleaning dude didn’t know me reasonably well (we’re usually here when he comes, and we’ve had a few meals together etc) that he wouldn’t do it, I suspect he knew it wouldn’t bother me. But still, I can’t imagine if I was someone’s cleaning person (or hell, best friend helping them clean their apartment) and I opened their sex toy drawer that I would think “gee, I bet they would really like me to organized this for them, it would probably improve their playtime because things would be more accessible…”I have a permanent job!
If you went to high school in Guelph, Ontario in the late 80's early 90's (and possibly later than that, I'm not actually sure when they stopped) you will remember St. George's dances, whether you went to them or not. The DJ was Brad Howe. At least, I think it's Howe, I'm not actually sure.
I’m a lucky lucky woman.
This is true in many ways. Wonderful friends, wonderful family, amazing partner, great job, rich life experience, the opportunity to do things I love, the list goes on and on. Generally just very very lucky.
But lets get back to friends for just a moment. You know what’s really lucky? Being good friends with someone who is lucky enough to be the consort of one of my favourite authors.
What this means is that this year for my birthday I was lucky enough to get her latest book, which has not even been released yet, and that I had not yet pre-ordered from Amazon.
This of course means that I’ve been lucky enough to sink my teeth into this book over the last week or so. Even though I don’t have much time to devote to reading, I do have lots of time to devote to thinking about the book, imagining where it is in my house, wishing I could be reading it, wondering what will happen next, and of course, as much as I want to finish it, I want to savour it, I want it never to end.
I really can’t tell you how much I love her work. It’s kind of like Philip Pullman for me. I don’t mean the writing or the style, I just mean my adoration of it. I want everyone to know about Nalo Hopkinson. I want everyone to read all her books. I want to go off on a major marketing campaign so that everyone can know about her and read her books. I want her to clone herself so that she can write more.
Which brings up an interesting dichotomy, because with most authors, because I have no window into their life, I just whine about why isn’t there a new book, I want a new book, whaaa! With Nalo (who I don’t really know by the way, I’ve met her in passing once, and listened with great interest when she was a panellist on the first Canada Reads on CBC radio many moons ago, but I read her blog, and I converse with her consort - apparently today I like the word consort...) I hear about the trials and tribulations of trying to write and still make a living (because lord knows writing novels for a living, well, rarely exists. Kind of like theatre in that way…) and I am torn between wanting a new book ASAP and wanting her to stay sane, happy and healthy. Too bad there wasn’t a way to do both…
Anyway, I’m loving The New Moon’s Arms as much as I loved Brown Girl in the Ring, Midnight Robber and The Salt Roads.
Quick, out you go, buy yourself some Nalo Hopkinson books and read read read!
Thanks every for your input on the photo choices.
Okay, so, technically you've seen a bunch of the after pictures already, but I like to balk the system.
Okay, so I’m putting picture in this post for you to vote on. That would be the interactive part. oh, and when I say "and everything", really I just mean that the voting is everything. Moving on...
I have learned an important lesson in life.
I am sitting at my desk, thinking about a hypothetical situation (honestly, I’m not being coy here, it’s just an unlikely ‘what if’ train of thought) where I might choose to lie.
Now, I’m no fool. I already know that origami is hard.