i'm a suck
either i care a hell of a lot about the cbc, or i'm a little emotionally delicate.
today mary-lou finlay retired.
tonight was the 'good-bye mary-lou' episode of as it happens.
i cried.
musings by mainja. welcome to my brain. it's a bit maze like in here, and be careful you don't get zapped by any synapses, but mostly it's warm and squishy and welcoming..
either i care a hell of a lot about the cbc, or i'm a little emotionally delicate.
this time of year is full of conflicting feelings for me.
those of you who knew me as a teenager will find it no surprise whatsoever that i really want to see "movin' out".
so, you remember how i was telling you about the whole 'my million dollar year' project?
today i am full of ideas of things i want to write in my blog. well, i was, now i can only remember one of them. but still, a topic is at hand.
i would like to say that i'm someone who never uses her sexuality for personal gain (you know, personal gain beyond getting laid...). but i can't. it would be a lie.
lister sinclair is possibly my hero. i love him. so much.
i thought after oh-so-many whiny posts about feeling lost in toronto i should post an update.
okay, here it is, 'that post'...
i'll write 'that post' later today, i promise, i absolutely totally promise.
okay, apparently boobs have to hold you a bit longer.
just yelled to john in the other room: "well, i was going to write that other post, but i think the boobs post will hold them until tomorrow."
joh... er, uh, i mean some unnamed person, and i were talking and
apparently i bend at dickey's will, so i'm going to fill this thing out. geeze, you'd think if i bent at his will dickey would be having me do much more interesting things...
Two Names You Go By --
1. meg
2. meggles
Two Parts of Your Heritage --
1. ummmmmm..... irish? (name like mooney, must be, right)
2. uhhhhhhhhhhh..... scottish?
wooo! look at that multi-cultural background. i'm like a walking UN. honestly, i'm a gagillionth generation canadian, i have no real idea of my 'heritage'.
Two Things That Scare You -- (real deep fear, or at the moment fear? i'll go with real deep... geeze, this is a hard question if i'm going for real deep, i've been thinking for a good five minutes.)
1. that i will get horribly disfunctionally depressed again
2. that i will be exposed as a fraud (this is a current inexplicable fear, for some reason i occassionally think that people at work are going to figure out that i'm just fooling them and i'm not as good at my job as they all think i am. this is silly, since, my rational brain knows that actually, i am just as good, and possibly better, at my job than they think i am)
Two of Your Everyday Essentials --
1. laughter
2. human interaction
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now --
1. nightie
2. old ratty shirt over top of the nightie
that would be the sum total of what i'm wearing actually, since i'm home sick today and i think that when you're at home sick there is no reason for you to get dressed...
Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (at the moment) --
1. ella fitzgerald
2. big rude jake
bloody hell, that's a difficult one to answer, since my tates range a lot. i am also quite enamoured with the beastie boys and jeremy fisher("We don't get caught up in emotional bliss / We're just friends who sometimes happen to kiss." are currently my favourite lyrics) and the lowest of the low at the moment. i guess what i'm saying is, you can never know my musical tastes by two bands.
Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love) --
1. honesty
2. good sex
i know it looks like i just cribbed directly from dickey here, but really, um, well, it's just what i would have chosen
Two Truths --
1. you can't always get what you want
2. but if you try sometimes, you get what you need
Two Physical Things that Appeal to You --
1. ass. oh my god i love a good ass. did i mention ass?
2. hands. big thick worker hands.
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies --
1. reading (is that a hobby?)
2. theatre (again, hobby?)
ed: good god this this is long. sheesh. i'm going to stop for a bit 'cause john came home for lunch...
Two Things You Want Really Badly --
1. for this bloody cold to be over and done with
2. for toronto to feel like home
these are both highly achievable and underway...
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation --
1. back to barbados (i used to live there, i want to go see my old house, my old school etc)
2. some place where i can just read, sleep, swim, dance, rinse, repeat. so, probably some kind of all inclusive resort. and when it's an all inclusive resort, it doesn't really matter where it is... ooooh, but i'd love there to be a big soaker tub in my room.
Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die --
1. live (as oppose to survive)
2. be a lead in a professional stage production and get great accolades for my amazing acting abilities
Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Guy --
1. i love sex. sex sex sex. give me more sex.
2. i belch without embarassment
hey, that's what the question said, so that's what i'm answering. just for the record, it is apparently much easier to answer the stereotypically guy question for me than it would have been the stereotypical girl. for the stereotypical girl side i have come up with 1. i have boobs. and 2. i like pedicures.
Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit --
1. i'm not always as confident as i seem
2. uhhhhh, okay, i can't seem to think of anything else, i'm what you may call, an open book...
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now --
1. good god i wish this bloody cold would go the fuck away
2. geeze i don't have many secrets
Two Stores You Shop At -
1. ikea
2. loblaws
Two people I haven't talked to in a while --
1. brendan (i miss him, his phone number stopped working)
2. camille (we email, but haven't seen each other in ages, i miss her)
Two bloggers who may now dislike you for passing this on to them --
1. brando, 'cause meme's go there to die
2. come on people, i've already sent it to it's death. i've hired one assassin, what more do you want?!?!?
the comments on this are for the post above...
We'll call this update "my brother is a nerd" because it would appear that they are cancelling Sunday because of the Santa Clause Parade. The nerd comment comes not just from the fact that they are cancelling, but more because my brother didn't even tell me it was cancelled, John ran into my brother today and my brother mentioned it to him. This is a problem because I've been promoting this left right and centre and a bunch of folks have said they are going to come and I have to try and remember who is coming and who I need to notify. . .
Peter Orbach wants to live. It's too bad he didn't realize this earlier; it won't do him much good now that he's in Hell...
Peter isn't the first person to believe he shouldn't be damned, but he may be the first that's objectively correct. Somehow, his soulless body still lives...and from all appearances, it's doing great without him...
last night i ushered at theatre passe muraille.
blood.claat - one womban story Written and performed by d'bi young, directed by Weyni Mengesha (both of 'da kink in my hair')
How can we travel from self-hate to love? A Jamaican girl from Whitfield Town looks to be the first to break her family cycle, dreaming of growing up strong and independent. A best actress award winner for SummerWorks 2004.
Runs November 15 to 27
Jamaica ManWritten and performed by John Blackwood
Who do you think I am? A history of Jamaica, and of being an insider/outsider that leaves us wondering about the realities of culture.
runs November 1 to 20 - double bill with blood.claat
and many a drop to drink...
while waiting for the bus this morning i saw a man wearing what appeared to be black leather pants (could have been pleather, i wasn't asking or touching) and white leather running shoes.
must be some toros in the... at-mo-sphere!
you know how people say things like 'that could never happen these days' when they're talking about the way germans blindly followed hitler?
Hey folks, I'm looking for a contact at the AGO in Toronto.
as a society we in the west tend to function with a fair bit of personal space.
well folks, we're into november. that means you have less than two months to contribute to the million dollar year project.
rick mercer has a blog. i liked this entry on the national press gallary dinner. a quote from then entry:
Belinda’s dress was all the talk. One of those bright young conservative MPs in the Tory youth caucus asked me if I thought Belinda’s dress was "appropriate". Maybe he was confusing me with his pastor. Usually when guys in their 20’s talk about boobs they are pro cleavage. Maybe next year she should consider a Hugo Boss Burka so as to not offend the young conservatives.
okay folks, we're having our housewarming and you're all invited.
i climbed onto the street car. looked around quickly and assessed my options.
i call this sitting in our livingroom
i find it interesting how two people can precieve the same person or event completely differently.
you know how they say "time flies"?
my dear friend di came over last night to hand out candy with me.
di - helloneedless to say we didn't let di answer the door again for a while...
small child - *blink* *blink*
d - what are you dressed up as?
sc - *blink*
d - do you have something to say to me?
sc - *furtive glance at candy bowl*
d - can you say 'trick or treat'
sc - *less furtive glance at candy bowl*
d - come on, you can say it...
sc - *blink* *blink*
d - come on ...
sc - *openly gazing at candy bowl*
john and mainja - *laughing our asses off *
sc - *ignorning di, plunges her hand into the candy bowl to seek her own reward for this punishing inquisition*
j and m - *continuing to laugh our asses off*