Monday, November 21, 2005

time is fleeting...

okay, apparently boobs have to hold you a bit longer.

i thought that i was going to be able to write "that other post" during my lunch today, but it's looking like i won't get my lunch today. so i will endevour to write "that other post" later.

and perhaps, in restitution i will post a picture of my boobs tonight (a work safe picture of course, because this blog is of course always work safe.) but that might take more effort than i can be bothered with...

anyway, yeah, tonight i'll write "that other post", which i have perhaps built up far more anticipation than desereved, since, honestly, it's going to be interesting perhaps, but not interesting enough to merrit antici...................................................pation.

right, okay, that's enough of that, back to work...

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