wakey wakey, shakey shakey
sooooooooooo tired.
can't. keep. eyelids. open.
musings by mainja. welcome to my brain. it's a bit maze like in here, and be careful you don't get zapped by any synapses, but mostly it's warm and squishy and welcoming..
sooooooooooo tired.
i love my roommate so very very much.
so i got a forward from camille the other day. it was one of those joke zen teaching things, you know "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a broken fan belt and a flat tire" kind of thing.
the french voted 'no' (well, 'non') on the question of the european constitution.
be forewarned, this will be a boring post...
i've managed to literally not step out of the apartment all weekend.
well folks, i have a weekend in the big smoke with no plans.
i noticed something today, in some cases the more visible someone tries to make themselves, the more invisible they become.
i was supposed to have a hot date with cameron yesterday.
got this in an email from john today (he's in france for a couple weeks helping my mum out with renovation stuff). There was a particularily lovely passage:
i had pulled this down, now i'm putting it back up. i'm indicisive... i think basically i just didn't want it to be the first thing people saw when they came to the site. it detracted from the much more interesting entries, you know, like the one where i discover i would appear to be particularily attracted to south asian men...
in an attempt to write about something other than my weekend blue funk and the whole (unsuccessful) selling of the house thing, i decided to log onto cbc and find out what is might be worthy of writing a blog entry on.
okay, so, apparently one of my 'types' would be south asian men.
i just thought that was a more interesting title than "pms sucks".
so, today, the friday before a long weekend, the glorious sunny warm friday before a long weekend... our network drives are down.
so, i kind of want to go see the kensington hillbillies sometime.
okay, remember my big long post a long time ago about the people i was trying to contact again?
i was on the bus the other day and sat next to someone i went to high school with, who actually used to live across the street from my friend of lo these many many many years (25 this year in fact...) - this of course is a thinly veiled blantant descriptor of who it is for said friend...
so, to follow up on my first post of the day, which was kind of interrupted by my 'dickey's big news' post, i said i would write more about books, so here i am.
okay, for those of you who know dickey, go now to his site and read about his big news. it's big and exciting and i really want to tell you what it is, but you should really hear it from him. so go read it right now!
you may find yourself asking why i have turned the salt n' peppa song 'let's talk about sex' into 'let's talk about books'. like so many of life's mysteries, i have no answer, well, i do, it's "i dunno, just 'cause" which is generally considered an unsatisfactory answer, but unfortunately is so often the most accurate.
so, found out last night that we got the two bedroom house in cabbage town (or regent park, just for brendan's benefit - it's kind of on the border of the two, but on the cabbage town side), which is very exciting, i was worried for a bit that we weren't going to get it, renting an apartment is a complex business apparently...
okay, all i can say is am i ever glad that i don't have to go into work at OMAF tomorrow. i haven't worked there since january. today the ontario budget came down and this is what panned out.
Belt-tightening: In the year ahead, 15 provincial ministries will see their spending cut, frozen or increased at a rate lower than inflation. Among the biggest losers are Agriculture ($169 million or 23 per cent), Municipal Affairs and Housing ($88 million or 11 per cent) and Tourism ($21 million or 11 per cent). The biggest percentage cut was to Intergovernmental Affairs, whose budget drops from $13 million to $8 million in the year ahead.who knows how it will pan out in the long run, but in the short term it will mean lots of panic among omaf staff tomorrow. so, yeah, very greatful that i don't have to be there amongst the panic.
there are many different ways to pass the time when riding the bus from one city to the next.
i have nothing to write about. i have no time to think, let alone think of interesting things. i want to entertain you. i want to regail you with stories of my devious exploits. i want to make you smile.
john got the job! he is going to be working for the ontario public service in their 'internship' program, which is a post-grad management training type thing, www.internship.gov.on.ca
since i don't have anything particularily exciting to tell you about my life right now, i will share with you what is exciting me right now...
okay, so one of the lesser joys of having cats is that they like to bring you 'presents'.
so, last night john and i had a fun little role reversal thing happen...
do you think brocoli retains any healthful value whatsoever if when served it comes to you limp and a bit yellowish?
so, i don't know if it's just the large cup of coffee i started my day with or what, but i'm feeling very giddy.
okay, i will take a pic of my hair, but just so you know, it's not like it was a drastic major change...
so, i won't be taking part in the fringe this year (well, other than being a spectator). got this in my email today:
okay, so this horrible demonstration of how racism is alive and well (an article in the globe describes it) comes to us via dalai's blog.