Sunday, May 29, 2005

the nerve!

be forewarned, this will be a boring post...

i have a profile on nerve.

i have met some very cool people through nerve.

i have also responded to ads and been ignored. which is fine, i can deal with that, it's to be expected, i'm pretty sure i've not responded to a couple that i've gotten.

but there is this one guy that has gotten under my skin for no apparent reason. from his ad he seems like a really cool guy, a really interesting person, someone i would love to have a pint with. i hemmed and hawed about whether or not to reply, not sure why, i just did. finally at much urging from paddy i replied to his ad. and lo and behold, he wrote back.


except... he wrote back once, i replied to that, then he didn't reply again. i then sent another reply (see what i mean, it's weird, normally i would have just washed my hands of the whole thing, but apparently every bone in my body wants me to become a weird stalker of this guy) saying: "you disappeared? damn portals, so bloody unpredictable. well, if it ever spits you back into the world of the here and now drop me a line. ;)" -- i should clarify here that what started our conversation was that on his ad in response to the 'what you'll find in my bedroom' field he wrote: "a multi-dimensional, interspacial vortex which allows me to travel to any time or place in the universe"

anyway, today i went on nerve and he was online and i fought my urge to initiate chat with him. but he didn't reply to my message.

seriously people, why the fuck do i care? i didn't really expect him to reply in the first place. and that in truth wouldn't have bothered me. but the fact that he replied in a way that did not imply that he didn't want to talk to me, in fact, he asked a question, which implies 'please reply'. now i am lamenting the loss of a friendship that never was. i am lamenting the loss of a potential friendship. i am lamenting the loss of an obviously not-meant-to-be friendship.

it's bugging me to no end.

i mean, really, i'm a very very cool person, people like me, he'd like me, he should at least email me back before he writes me off.

yep. realise none of this makes sense, none of it is rational, i shouldn't care about any of it. i know that. the fact that it's bugging me when it shouldn't, is actually the biggest part of what is bugging me about this whole situation.

what i'm trying to say is, i'm a weirdo.

okay, long boring post done, as you were...


okay, so, he wrote back. i know this is going to make it seem like i'm some psycho person and i just didn't give him time to write back, but my response to his response was two and a half weeks ago, and then he was online and didn't write, so i was understandably (in my estimation anyway) expecting that meant he wasn't going to write.

we are now exchanging pleasantries over nerve, you know, why am i moving to toronto, things like that.

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