hot lesbian sex
i just thought that was a more interesting title than "pms sucks".
hot lesbian sex would be much nicer than the emotional roller coaster i'm on right now. i'm weepy. i hate weepy. plus i'm being a big wimp about john being away, i have all sorts of stuff i could/should be doing, and all i'm doing is sitting at home missing him.
basically, today i'm a big loser. so, um, yeah, hot lesbian sex, go out and find yourself some hot lesbian sex, 'cause it will be a hell of a lot more interesting than me right now....
i'm trying to decide if going to a movie alone would depress me more, or nicely distract me.
i was going to write more, but perhaps i'll just sum it up for you... whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine some more, a bit more whining, and some whining for good measure.
p.s. i stole the title "hot lesbian sex" from paddy from a million years (0kay, a couple months) ago.
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