Thursday, May 05, 2005

role reversal

so, last night john and i had a fun little role reversal thing happen...

we went to see an apartment (in fact, it's a little semi, so more a house than an aparment) last night. the house is owned by a lovely man and his partner, who i assume is also a lovely man, but i have never talked to him. the current tenants are a lesbian couple (who make the best smelling stew in the world, which was a special kind of torture at the 6:30 viewing last night...). i get the strong sense that the owners surround themselves with folks from the queer community generally.

so, where am i going with this?

well, the woman who was showing us around at one point and said "so, you guys are... roomates?" in a kind of confused voice that really felt like she wasn't sure why a man and a woman would be living together. when i said no, this is my partner she looked a little taken aback and said 'oh, okay then, i guess you'd be using the other room as an office' or something to that effect.

john and i talked about it a lot on the way home. this reversal of stereotypical assumptions. it was facinating. personally i found it hilarious. we were making jokes on the way home about "wait, you're a couple? men and women do that? oh god, does that mean you have sex, oh, no, don't even tell me, i don't want to have to think about it. well, i guess as long as you keep the hand holding and hugging and *shudder* kissing behind closed doors it's okay." part of why i found it so funny though is because if two people came to look at our house, a man and a woman, two women, two men, assuming they were in their late 20's or older (the point at which many people get out of the roommate game), my first reaction would probably be to assume they were a couple.

anyway, she was lovely, we obviously weren't offended in anyway, just amused. the house was lovely and we're negotiating on price right now to see if it's a possiblility, which i really hope it is, if for no other reason than i'm really enjoying talking to the owner, i get good vibes from him, i would be happy to have him as a landlord.

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