i'm sure you've all been dying to know what's been keeping me so occupied (okay, so humour me here, pretend you've been dying to know...)
well, it's pretty much all had to do with the sale of the house and the impending posession of our new place (the house we're renting).
i must admit that i am a bit terrified about the move, i have lived in guelph for the last 19 years, the idea of moving is, to say the least, a bit nerve wracking. also, we have lived in our house for the last 5 years, and in that time we have truely made it out own, so many renovations, so much decorating and so much work put into our yard and beautiful (though overgrown at the moment) perenial garden. don't get me wrong, i am excited, but also scared as hell.
but let me tell you a bit about our new house, and then i'll post some pictures...
we got the keys today. we are renting a two bedroom / two bathroom semi in cabbage town. it's lovely. not as nice as our place here, but our place here would be so out of our price range in toronto it creeps in to the the realm of rediculous... this place on the other hand is walking distance to work, has a cute little postage stamp back yard (no garden yet, but we'll fix that...) and close walking distance to a bunch of pubs and other amenities (hmmm, does it say something that the only one i chose to single out was pubs?). we pay $1450/month for all this. now, if you're not from toronto you might be having a heart attack right now, but trust me, it's a good price.
the most exciting part about this place? closets! three closets to be precise. i don't know the last time i lived in a place with closets, probably when i lived in barbados when i was 9. that is the price you pay for being an 'old home' type person. the fact that the 'small' bedroom is bigger than our current bedroom is pretty nice too. we're going to have a bedroom that fits our bed, our wardrobe, and possibly a chair, all with the ability to actually move around in the space, something that is very novel to us as well.
anyway, here are some crappy pictures i took tonight as we were leaving. i was too tired to bother going upstairs, so these are just pictures of the downstairs. you'll notice that we didn't waste any time in getting the place as messy as possible with what little stuff we had brought with us this evening...
when you walk in the door there is a small entrance way, which i didn't take a picture of, but it's where the first closet is, yes, that's right, a hall closet! so very exciting.
then there is the livingroom dining room combo, and look, that i did take a picture of...

off in the corner there is the fireplace. that's what heats the house in the winter (it's a gas fireplace with a thermostat). right now it's not the most attractive thing ever, but john has said that he will build a surround for it, at which point it will be quite cute. for right now though, this is what it looks like close up...

almost directly across from the fireplace is the downstairs bathroom, well, powder room i guess, okay, it's a room with a toilet and a sink...

if you keep walking back through the living room / dining room you end up in the kitchen, note previous comment regarding messyness...

there are two doors off the kitchen, one to the outside, and one to the laundry room, this is the laundry room (i know, not that exciting, but, well, i'm nothing if not thorough)...

the other door leads to the back yard. when you walk out the back yard there is a little space to your left and a bigger space to your right. we're thinking of making the space to your left into a little breakfast nook, this is what it looks like now (with the random stuff left behind by the previous tenants)...

to the left is the rest of the backyard. i personally am quite fond of the fact that there is a great big painting screwed to the fence...

and, like i said, i was in too much of a hurry to actually go upstairs an take pictures, but i promise, there is an upstairs, see...

so, there is the quick and dirty tour. i'll take more pictures once we've moved in and put our stamp on it, just think of these as before pictures. we might not be actually moving all our crap in until august, so those pics will be a long time in coming, just so you're forewarned.
okay, night folks, big weekend ahead.
oh, and happy canada day all!