i want my, i want my, i want my CBC . . .
CBC folks have been locked out for over two months now. two long torturous months. two months of no metro morning sending me off to work. two months of no as it happens to cook by. two months of not having a fucking clue what's going on in the world because my source of current events is cut off. (to be fair, they still have news, but nothing like it was, and it only scratches the surface)
woe is me!
oh sure, i've been able to go to work every day for the last two months. oh sure, i still get my salary and don't have to worry about how i'm going to get groceries this week. oh sure, i don't have to defend myself to goof balls who say good riddin's to me or who don't realise it's a lockout and think it's a strike. oh sure, i don't have to make any decisions right now about whether or not i should be looking for a new job. oh sure, i don't have to be worried about what happens to me even if the bloody lockout ends because it sure sounds like they're looking for 'efficiencies' which rarely bodes well.
but really, people, come on, what is that compared to my hardship?!?! what is that compared to me not being able to follow my comforting routine, giggling with kevin sylvester every morning (a man who made me look forward to the sports cast, he *must* be a god), listening to matt galoway talk about the city i now live in (no wonder i haven't been able to settle in!) or chopping veggies to the soothing sounds of mary lou finlay and barbara budd on as it happens? i ask you, how am i to manage day to day, where am i to get my cbc fix.
hmmmm. a thought has just occured to me, these people are probably a bit cash strapped right now, maybe i could convince them to come over and broadcast to me from the living room while i chop veggies. no no. that's unreasonable and unrealistic. they wouldn't want to do that. perhaps instead i will have them do it by telephone and i will just put it on speaker phone. yes! eureka! that's it! my goodness, sometimes my brilliance terrifies me.
okay, for just a moment (just a moment mind you, don't get too used to it!) i'm going to remove my tongue from my cheek.
i can't for a second imagine what these people are going through. it seriously has been disruptive to my life, and what the fuck right do i have to feel disrupted? these poor people have been locked out of their own jobs. it must feel a bit like being kicked out of your own house. replete with the feeling of panic and not knowing how you're going to survive considering their income has been cut off.
there was an event to show support to bring back the CBC on friday. unfortunatly i found the info on it at about midnight on friday. anyway, there's a snipit of film from that at this link.
which led to me poking around on the site cbc unplugged and coming across this post, which was bloody frickin' hilarious.
and now i will step off of my CBC soapbox.
as you were.
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