Thursday, June 02, 2005

cruel coincidence

my love returns today.

he has been in france for the last two and a half weeks and i have been aching with the absence of him. i have been missing him so very much, it really is beyond words.

today i take the day off work to pick him up at the airport, tomorrow i take the day off work just to spend time with him.

i have been obviously and expectedly excited.

today, however, i woke up with a throat swollen shut and a 'productive' cough. and really, woke up is a bit of an over-statement, since i didn't sleep much last night due to the aforementioned coughing.

apparently i have some bad karma floating around somewhere, otherwise this cold would have waited until i'd had a bit of time with my love, and perhaps not fallen on days that i had already booked at vacation days.

okay, just needed to whine. ;)

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