Saturday, December 08, 2007

Theatre in Montreal

Okay, so, Dan's recent comment about theatre in Montreal made me think that I should post a bit about theatre in Montreal. It's a mecca for French-language theatre, but I'm going to guess that the comment was directed to english theatre, so...

You can find:

A Christmas Carol until Dec 18 - Montreal School of Performing Arts ($12 includes coffee and cake!)

We Women until Jan 25th on Fridays only, by Gleams theatre company that apparently doesn't have a website, which seems pretty bloody short-sighted to me...

Wildside Theatre Festival Jan 8 - 19
I love theatre festivals, you never know what you're going to see, good or bad.

Half Life Jan 24-Feb24
I don't know anything about this show, but it's directed by Daniel Brooks who is an absolutely wonderful director who I love.

Relative Good Feb 26- March 30
I know nothing about this one, it's a directed by the author, a Montreal playwright.

Maddly Heisler March 25-April 30
Again, looks cool, don't know anything about it.

Forever Yours Marie-Lou April 22-May25
This is a wicked play. It's a Michel Tremblay play, you can never go wrong with Michel Tremblay.

Montreal Fringe Festival June 12-27
Fringe festivals rock.

For more ongoing theatre you can check out:

The Segal Theatre

Variety of theatre and improv

National Theatre School

Concordia Theatre dept

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