Sunday, June 05, 2005

me me me me me!

okay folks, it' s meme time. i've been tagged for two and haven't been very dutiful in filling them out, so now is the time on F.A.T. when i get my ass in gear and reply to said tagging and fill out my memes...

first, from louise (you can see her answers here):

Complete at least 5 of these statements, and then pass the assignment along to someone else (others should do the same, and folks are free to add more after selecting at least five of the originals).

If I could be a farmer…
If I could be a musician…
If I could be a doctor…
If I could be a painter…
If I could be a gardener…
If I could be a missionary…
If I could be a chef…
If I could be the leader of my country…
If I could be an architect…
If I could be a linguist…
If I could be a psychologist…
If I could be a librarian…
If I could be an athlete…
If I could be a lawyer…
If I could be an innkeeper…
If I could be a professor…
If I could be a writer…
If I could be a llama-rider…
If I could be a bonnie pirate…
If I could be an astronaut…
If I could be president …
If I could be a celebrity …
If I could be a gerbil breeder …
If I could be an actor …
If I could be an entrepreneur …
If I could be a historian …
If I could be a archaeologist …
If I could be a teacher…
If I could be a Lady (or Gentleman) of Leisure…
If I could be a circus performer…
If I could be an interior designer…
If I could be a photographer…
five eh? okay. five. i will pick five and expound upon their virtues, or something like that... (oh, but i do want to ask one quick question, on the list it has 'leader of your country', why does it also have 'president', is 'leader of your country' not specific enough for those from the good ol' U S of A?)

if i could be a musician... i would be a singer, and i would sing my heart out, i would sing anything and everything, i wouldn't stick to one genre, but i would sing a hell of a lot of blues and jazz. i would wear velvet dresses that hugged every curve and i would sing in dark smokey bars (in nowhere land, since there are no longer dark smokey bars...). i would sing with my eyes closed, i would feel every note, i would be compelled to move to the music, i would sing all the time, i would sing while buying groceries, i would sing while in the dentists waiting room, i would sing at parties, i would encourage everyone to sing with me. i would revel in the joy that is singing. and since this is fantasy world, i would do all this singing, and still be able to have a solid income, i would still be able to own a house, i would still be able to pay my bills, i would not have to work a different job to support my singing, my singing would be ample to support a comfortable lifestyle.

if i could be a linguist... i would be a cunning linguist. (sorry, i couldn't resist, i know *eyeroll*, but still, i felt compelled...)

if i could be a psychologist... i would champion therapy, i would find a way to make it something people weren't embarassed about. i would spread the word far and wide that therapy is something to make you stronger, a sign of strength, not of weakness. i would spread the word that not everyone *needs* therapy, but everyone can benefit from a bit of therapy. i would try to make therapy accessible, both financially and emotionally.

if i could be an actor... (i'm going to assume we're talking professionally here, since i already am an actor, i just don't get paid for it, and i haven't been in a show since christmas) i would be a stage actor. i would do a stint at stratford, just to say that i had, but i would focus on toronto as a home base, i would do a mix of work, some traditional, some progressive, after a stint at second city i would work mostly with theatre passe muraille and buddies in bad time, but i would occassionally get whisked away by the mirvishes. much like if i were a singer i would make a living wage at acting, perhaps suppliment that by doing some teaching of acting classes.

if i could be a lady of leisure... i would do a lot of acting and singing because i wouldn't have to worry about where the money was coming from. i would also travel lots. i would read lots. and i would fill my time with volunteer work because otherwise i would be bored out of my skull. truth be told, i don't really know what a lady of leisure does...

i'm not going to tag anyone specifically to do this, but i have to say, it's kind of an interesting exploration and i reccomend it. if you do it, then leave a comment 'cause i'd like to see the results.

okay, one meme down, one to go...

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