Tuesday, June 07, 2005

ants in my pants

i am generally not one to be afraid of insects.

in fact, the other day i was watching as ants crawled on my bare feet while i sat outside and commented to john that it was a bit surreal since i could see them, but not feel them (my feet are tough little suckers without a lot of sensation).

but i have to draw the line somewhere.

this weekend twice i have been happily (well, okay, not happily 'cause i was sick and whiny, but you get my point) laying in bed, minding my own business, cosy under the covers, and have felt a strange tickling on my back. when reaching around to disern the cause of said tickling i have been met with the feeling of an ant struggling between my fingers. a big black ant. no little baby, no no, this was a goodly sized bugger that was crawling along on my naked back. i have to be honest here, i freaked out. well, not yelling and screaming freaked out, but certainly not happy. the first time i disposed of the ant. the second time i made john dispose of the ant.

the end result of this is that of course now when i lay in bed i keep feeling phantom ants. the blanket brushes my back and i assume it's an ant. a light breeze blows in from the window, most obviously an ant. a cat walks past me and a whisker touches my arm, ANT ANT ANT.

this paranoia that my bed is overrun with ants is not only embarassing, it's inconvenient. it's pretty hard to get a restful sleep when you're waiting for the next little creature to crawl across your body.

oh, also, when i was making the bed on monday i found another ant.

that makes 3. 3 ants in my bed.

it's making me want to sleep fully clothed, but then, if it got in under my clothes it would be harder to get rid of.

so, really, no point, other than, ants, please, please, please, i'm begging you, please vacate my bed.

at least i won't have to worry about it for a couple days 'cause i'm back in ant free toronto...

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