Sunday, February 13, 2005

kung fu porno

no, this post isn't about that weird porn that is a take off of crouching tiger hidden dragon where they fight in the trees by having sex. nope. it's about Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior.

tonight camille and i went to it. i should point out that it was martial arts, not kung fu exclusively, and there was no sex in the movie so it wasn't a porno in *that* way. but really, kung fu porno just sounds so damn good!

and why do i call it kung fu porno? because, really, it felt like a bad porn movie. they developed a very flimsy plot and hired mediocre actors all so it would be a vehicle for the gratuitous fucking fighting.
but man oh man, the fighting, the fighting was amazing! okay, i admit a bias here, i love 'kung fu' movies. LOVE them. but this was, oh my god, this guy is amazing. and as for the bad plot bits, well, they were kind of funny, the audience was into mocking the movie and laughing at the terribly cheesy bits so it was all good.
all in all a very fun experience.

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