Saturday, October 09, 2004

gobble gobble

so, i decided to host thanksgiving this year.

tomorrow john's brother and sister-in-law and mum are coming over. as is my much beloved friend cameron.

i'm very excited. much good fun to be had, much good food for me to make.

but today, kate and i went to pick up the turkey i'd ordered and encountered a bit of a surprise. i ordered a fresh turkey (i've never cooked a turkey before, but i'm told fresh is way better than frozen). i ordered a 6lb turkey, since there were only four of us eating meat. we walked in and jack (the butcher) said "do you mind if it's a bit bigger? they didn't send us small ones." i said sure, assuming that he had some sane definition of 'a bit'.

yeah. i now have a 17lb turkey sitting in a cooler in my kitchen. apparently almost 3 times the size i ordered is "a bit bigger"...

man, i wish i liked turkey as much as that would warrent. especially since john's a vegetarian, so it's not like he'll be eating any of the leftovers... oh well, lots of turkey to freeze and make quick food with for me i guess.

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