Thursday, October 07, 2004

my cheating heart

okay, this post is kind of cheating a bit, it's actually a response i wrote on QUESTIONABLETAKTIX, but i thought it might be an interesting piece of information on me and my life, so perhaps worthy to get up on here.

it was a response to a posting of this picture of (to quote Sanketh Shetty from the post i saw it on...)
"This is a famous picture of Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan executing a Viet Cong Officer during the Vietnam War. This VC had just killed 8 South Vietnamese(including the family of the General's Friend)."

the post wasn't about the picture per se, but my response was. my response was a story that the picture made me think of. so, now i'm going to copy and paste it here...

when i was a teenager i had no problem with violence in movies, i could comfort myself with the fact that it was fake, special effects and so on.

well, then in grade 11 history class i saw the video of this incident. (for those of you who know me, this was when I was in quebec on my exchange from hell)

in that class they also showed us bits of the movie JFK (remember, the kevin cosner movie?) where they showed the clip of jfk being shot, over and over and over again.

i remember sitting in that class and crying. not mellow dramatic sobbing, just run of the mill weeping.

the emotionless clinical way one man executed another, the anguish in jackie kennedy's face when she watched her husband get shot. there was something about the comparison of those events to the stuff i'd seen in the movies, something that was far to eerily similar to the stuff i'd seen in movies.

since then i basically can't deal with violence in movies. i'm just your average big violence wimp. no threshold. wimp wimp wimp.
damn reality.
gets in the way of everything.

i had a bunch of editorial comments after this bit that i hadn’t included in my response to the blog. unfortunately i added them after i put this from my word document and into the blog as an after thought. And then of course, i promptly lost the post. Wheeeeee.
perhaps tomorrow i’ll write a continuation of this post. or, perhaps not. perhaps you’ll all just have to wonder what the comments were. *grin*

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