Wednesday, September 15, 2004

taking a breather...

so, today i had a job interview. i don't know what it is about job interviews that are so terrifying for me. i mean, really, think about it, what's the worst that can happen? they don't offer me the job and i move on. but for some reason it terrifies me.

for instance... today the interview i had was for a job i have a very good shot at getting, it's a job i've already done and i have a very good relationship with the manager and the other person on the interview panel (yes, one of the joys of governement interviews is the omnipresent interview panel...) is somone who tents to root for me (so i've heard, although i must say, for the most part i wouldn't know that from her face to face contact of me, but i've heard from others who have sat on interview panels with her where i have been a candidate that she is a big fan of me.). and still, before the interview i was standing outside the room with my heart racing and of course, sweat pouring down my face.

i was actually thinking "gee, who needs the gym, i can get a cardio work out by doing interviews".

i realise that this is the same reaction some people get from public speaking, and again, what's the worst that can happen. but thankfully i don't experience that from public speaking (i have to present to all the managers at my division tomorrow and i'm not the least bit nervous), probably that comes from my background in theatre.

anyway, so, tonight i'm feeling very very relaxed. it's a nice treat. i've known this interview was coming and i think i've been worked up about it for about a week now. the relaxed feeling is remarkable. helped along of course by the amazing martini i had after dinner with a good friend tonight at a new posh club downtown (oh, and the cider i'm drinking right now, ahhhh, alcohol...)

so, i'm writing to say it's a great feeling. yay me! yay for feeling relaxed!

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