Tuesday, September 14, 2004

losing my mind?

so, i have an interview tomorrow for a job that i know i'll love, but is only 6 months. anyway, i'm trying to do the prep work for you (you know, get my stories for each qualification they list, prepare the presentation i've been asked to give, stuff like that) and i think, well, i think my brain has become mush as a result.

just to make things more interesting, i'm going to a call back for a show i'm in tonight. yep. i already know i'm in it, i was cast several months ago, but i'm going to the call backs so that the other parts i interact with can be read with me. of course, this is all smack in the middle of interview prep.

so, to top it off, i seem to have lost my rehersal schedule. oh, and in an odd twist, i would appear to be watching hockey, which, if you knew me, you'd know was pretty odd for me.

like i said, brain mush.

anyway, i should head to the call backs.

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