experience is everything
while watching television one day, john and i saw a commercial for toilet paper.
it was an ad explaining how this toilet paper was new and improved.
the ad exclaimed that this toilet paper was "now more absorbent!"
john, with a great deal of derision, clicked his tongue and said "pffppptt, since when does toilet paper need to be absorbent?!?"
i looked at john and blinked.
i continued to look at john with a bit of a quizical and incredulous look on my face.
finally john, who had been watching me blink said "what?"
with my head cocked to one side i finally said "um, well, it's important to me that it's absorbent several times a day..."
john said something along the lines of "oh, yeah, right..."
i guess it's not something you think of if you don't pee from something tucked away in your body...
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