Tuesday, April 19, 2005


why are we so bloody afraid to look at each other?

on the street, walking by, you look at someone, they look away.

today, i looked at somone and smiled and she actually actively frowned back at me.

but the other day, when someone looked at me and smiled it made my day, i smiled back at her and her smile turned into almost a grin and she said 'hi' and we both went on our way, having a great start to our day.

the experience made me decide to try and actually look at people and smile more, which led to the frowning incient. *sigh*

and now for something completely different, 27 degrees in april!?!?! WTF. i need to buy some summer clothes, i'm going to melt.

*** update ***
okay, i just came from an off-site meeting, and there is NO way it's 27 degrees out. maybe 22. which is, as far as i'm concerned, perfect.

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