Tuesday, April 05, 2005

A boring update post

For those following along in the chronicling of the preparations for house selling, first – you may want to consider taking up watching paint dry, I imagine it is more interesting. Second – I have another exciting instalment to share!

We’re almost there. So close we can taste it. Oh, no, that’s just the stirred up dust settling itself in the back of our throats. Hmmmm. But nonetheless, we are close. Very very close people.

Camille can attest, she was over last night helping with the kitchen, and she commented on what a difference it was. Man that woman can clean!

So, the big stuff is mostly done, and I’m hoping that by the end of today it all will be. Just in case John happens to read this today, that would include moving the huge pile of rubble in the basement and installing the light and mirror in the bathroom, oh, and the crown moulding you started cutting from the ceiling last night (I have to say, I’ll never understand some people. The idea here is quick and dirty, it doesn’t have to be perfect, people are going to be glancing at it as they walk through. We don’t have time for perfect. Why the insistence on perfect?!?!?!).

Then all that’s left on the list is stuff at the difficulty and time consumption level of say, touch up paint.

The good news about all this though is that we will still be working on it when Kate comes to visit on Thursday, so she’ll get to help after all. Yay! I’m sure she’s so excited. *grin*

And, just to follow with a non-sequitor, to satisfy all you fans of non-sequitor posts out there, I would appear to have forgotten to wear deodorant today. That’s what happens when you have a bath at night when you’re so tired you can barely walk, you forget deodorant, and then in the morning you forget ‘cause, well, you didn’t have a shower, so it’s not in the routine. And today promises to be a stressful (and bloody long, probably 16-18hrs in the office, yay for big last minute projects) day. I guess if forced to look on the bright side of this, I will have a natural repellent to keep people from bothering me…

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