Thursday, March 31, 2005

the day that time stood still

don't worry, i'm not posting about nuclear bombing. i'm posting about something much less relevant to world politics, me.

today would appear to be my day that time stood still. not for any dastardly reasons. just because i seem to be stuck in some temporal anomaly where one minute lasts about 600 seconds instead of 60...

time is moving like dark molasses, but not as sweet, not as rich and it doesn't smell as good. it also doesn't hold any of the pleasant anticipation that is usually associated with the pouring of molasses.

well, okay, it's time, it doesn't have a smell or a taste or any kind of tactile anything, but bloody hell, can't it hurry up?!?!?

my current theory is that this has to do with my frantic state at all the shit i have to do with the house still, and john is working on friday night, saturday night and sunday night. basically i'm all in a tizzy.

and also, it would appear there is no point to this post, just an outlet for me to try and express my worries to stave off an anxiety attack. ;)

thank the gods for friends. jake's coming by for a bit on saturday, so is cameron, and camille, one of the most amazing people on the planet, who has already been by several times, is continuing her amazingness by coming by for a bit this weekend too. did i mention she's amazing?

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