Thursday, April 21, 2005

because i'm a glutton for punishment...

so, just because i have been liking myself just too damn much lately and feel i need to take myself down a peg or 20, i think i'm going to audition for a fringe show written by t. berto and being directed by judith thompson.

yep, my self-esteem is long overdue for a beating...

i feel i should clarify something, because when john saw this he said "see, the thing is that being passed over for a play in the fringe directed by a famous canadian playwright isn't something to get knocked down about at all" and i totally agree.

i was thinking more in terms of if i actually got the part, because i think it will really stretch me, and also be emotionally wrenching because, well, that's what t and judith write, emotionally wrenching. and although i think i would grow a great deal as an actor from the experience (why else would i do it?) i also think it will go through at least some phase of me feeling inadequate. it's been a long time since i've done a drama, that's the thing about fat chicks, we tend to get comedic roles, which is cool, i like comedy, but this will be a whole different ball of wax.

i just wanted to add that i think it's funny that the update was longer than the initial post...

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