Tuesday, March 22, 2005

french lesson

okay, it wasn't so much a lesson as it was a realisation.

i can speak some reasonable french. i can get by in a conversation with a francophone. hell, i can even make the occasional lame joke in french (ferme ta gaulle vous dinde stupide! je sais ce que je fais!). but get me out of the realm of casual conversation and i'm buggered.

there is a woman who works in my office who is delightful. i enjoy her immensely. from time to time we sit and talk in french (she is a francophone) and i get a kick out of it not only because i love the language, but also because everytime i do it i realise, 'hey, look, i can speak a different language, that's bloody cool!'

not today.

today we spoke about the impending move. i know no real estate terms in french. i was stumbling every sentence. it sucked.

so, this was my lesson - megan's 'bar french' is just fine. megan's 'any other kind of french' sucks.

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