Monday, January 17, 2005


me: hey, me!

me: yes me?

me: i just heard that you (i, we) got that job that you (we, i) really wanted! so, i just wanted to congratulate you (myself, us) on that!

me: yeah, thanks! i am very excited about it. i'm going to put it on my blog as soon as i am allowed to release any details about it -- it's still a 'secret' at this point.

me: ahhh, right, i understand, well, congratulations anyway and i'll keep an eye out on the blog to find out what the hell it is that you (i, we) are talking about.

me: sounds good to me. i will post something the minute i can, promise.

me: great! sleep well, enjoy that conference you (we, i) are going to tomorrow in TO

me: thanks, i plan to!

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