Monday, March 14, 2005

sappy movie lines

a while ago, in the comments section of snooze's now gone blog, i posted a bit of a diatribe about my loathing of the line "you complete me" from jerry mcguire. i thought maybe i should follow up on that for a second here.

basically, i hate the line "you complete me". i think i hate it so venemously because so many people love it so much and think it is so very romantic. i mean, the truth is, movies are full of stupid lines that make you skin crawl just a little bit, but i don't remember them. no, this one has stood out because i hate it so much and so many love it so much. people seem to think that this is some epitome of romance. i think it's some epitome of co-dependance. i love john, very much, with all my heart, i have spent 11 wonderful years with him and i wouldn't trade them in for the world. but he sure as hell doesn't complete me. i am complete all on my own thank-you-very-much! hey may enhance me, things are maybe better when he is around, we certainly compliment each other, but complete each other? not on your life! we are two whole human beings who have chosen to spend our time with each other, and we get a lot out of that, we learn from each other, we support each other, we snuggle with each other, but yeah, complete long before we started doing that stuff together.

this is coming up again right now because on the weekend i saw a clip with a line that i loved. a line that to me is sooooo much more meaningful, but i think people didn't latch onto it at all, no one said ohhhhhh, or ahhhhhhh. now, maybe it's because it was being delivered by a beleaguered looking jack nicholson instead of a hot tom cruise, but whatever the reason, it didn't get the same attention. the line? it's from as good as it gets when he says "you make me want to be a better man".

"you make me want to be a better man" -- see, am i way off base here? to me that sounds like a way more touching, way less creepy, thing to say. why aren't people going ga ga over that? i'm i really *that* different than the general populous?

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