Sunday, November 28, 2004

simpson's quotes

so, i was watching a rerun of the simpsons (shocking i know) and it was the one where lisa becomes a vegetarian. i have to say, this episode has some of the best quotes.

this one should be on a tee-shirt: "you don't win friends with salad" i think homer says this to lisa

also, during the 'educational film' they watch at school about beef my favourite lines are:
Troy: Come on Jimmy, let's take a peek at the killing floor.
Jimmy: Ohhh!
Troy: Don't let the name throw you Jimmy. It's not really a floor, it's more of a steel grating that allows material to sluice through so it can be collected and exported.

and of course the bit after the film when lisa says "they can't seriously expect us to swallow that tripe." and skinner says "Now as a special treat courtesy of our friends at the Meat Council, please help yourself to this tripe." and the whole class cheers and, well, helps themselves to tripe *shudder*

and my favourite quote of the show, due of course to it's status as a double entendre... "I've got the prescription for you, Doctor...another hot beef injection" said by homer as he hands dr. hibbard a hotdog.

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