Tuesday, November 16, 2004

My public apology

I just wanted to say I'm sorry to John. My love, my true and dearest love, I am very sorry about all the laugher (and boy, was there a lot of laughter) on my part about the whole "are you Megan's dad" incident. It did not occur to me that it might have been a cruddy thing for you to hear until Jeff pointed out at rehearsal today that if it were him he'd be upset.

My take on the whole thing was just that it was so ludicrous that it was nothing more than laughable. You barely look older than me. No where near old enough to be my father. The whole thing just came about because Naomi doesn't actually realise I'm an adult, which really, if you think about it, means her statement is more commentary on me than you...

I am so very sorry I laughed (profusely). You are handsome and youthful looking. Remember the kids in your class who asked if you were born in the eighties? I mean, really, the eighties! If you were born in the eighties shouldn't you not be past grade 6 yet? So, what I'm saying is 18 year olds, who generally have a slightly better grasp of the world than 8 year olds, think you're 24 or younger, and the 8 year old, I bet she thinks that you're the same age as her mum, who is 30. You are not old. You do not look old. You don't even smell old! Maybe some days you feel old, but there's not much anyone can do about that. And you probably don't taste old either. And you for sure don't sound old.

Yep, that covers all the senses, I guess that means you're not old.

I love you mr. young tasty man.

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