Thursday, October 28, 2004


so this one is specifically for my friend lisa.

lisa was visiting a million years ago (okay, maybe it was only several months...) and john was chipping away at the wall with a chisel. (he's chipping away at it because he needs to do something with the pipe and blah blah blah, basically that part is not the amusing bit.)

as john stood in the basement and chipped away (providing some lovely staccato percussion to our conversation, i have no idea why we didn't break out into song) lisa walked over to me and quietly said "wouldn't it be just as effective to throw buckets of water at it and say 'erode wall, erode!'"

i laughed my ass off at that.

and now, however many million months later, this is what it looks like, so, um, yeah. erode wall, erode!

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