Friday, June 24, 2005

why are there so many, songs about rainbows?

sitting in a meeting.

surveying the room.

trying to read minds.

what are they thinking?

are they singing themselves a little ditty, making weekend plans, figuring out what's for dinner, writing a grocery list, thinking back to last night's kitchen table schtupping session?

one 'writes' something on the table with the top of her pen, leaving no mark, only the intense curiosity invading my body as i wonder what she has written.

one taps rhythmically on her knee, tap tap tap tappidy tap tap, tap tap tap tappidy tap tap...

one strokes his eyebrows, right one, pause, left one, pause, right one, pause...

another takes the disembodied voice emmitting from the speaker phone as a an opportunity to retreat into himself, eyes clouded over, face pointed to the ceiling.

all the while, for some unbeknownst reason, i can hear kermit in my head "why are there so many, songs about rainbows, and what's on the other side..."

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