Friday, December 10, 2004

something you've probably already seen...

tip o' the hat goes to john for this one, although apparently paddy has it on her blog already and i'm sure it's a million other places too.

right wing americans dissing canada

***UPDATE*** (which doesn't have anything to do with the topic, but rather with my complete lack of grammar acuity, or apostrophe acuity perhaps...)

OMG! how could i do it? i put an apostrophe in that link where there clearly shouldn't be one. i have now fixed it, but i will shamefully post my original mistake here so that if you've just come to this post and are wondering what kind of drugs i'm on, just know that they're really cheap drugs and not very good. oh, and the original stated: right wing american's dissing canada (arrrg. see, just looking at it now makes me cringe. what would have possessed me to put that apostrophe there? my only defence is the fact that i have had very little sleep this week)

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