my name is mainja and i am a blog addict
it would appear that i have become unwittingly addicted to blogs.
who knew.
i read them all. the good, the bad, the ugly (and believe me, there are lots of the latter two...) i don't mean i go through and read the archives of the ones i don't like, but when i start cruising through blog explosion i can't seem to stop. it's like flicking through the infomercials on late night television. you know you should be sleeping, and you're pretty sure there is nothing of substance to be gained by continuing to scroll through every channel obsessively, but you never know, that one elusive gem, the best movie you've never seen, the documentary that solves all your life's problems, the episode of that show that you've always wanted to see but have never had the opportunity too, they all may be just one click away. the next channel up might be the thing that you *need* to keep staying up for.
i'm telling you, the next blog might be written by my hero.
so i keep clicking.
next. next. next. next. next. next. next. next. next. next. next. next. next... you get the idea.
so, now it's almost midnight, my eyes are droopy, i have to go to work in the morning and i can barely function because of all the antibiotics i'm on, but still i continue to click.
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